Monday, January 31, 2011

Bento #14

Shrimp cocktail, anyone? Here's whats for lunch tomorrow:

On the right: I decided to pick up some frozen fruit to keep on hand for days that my fruit is low. So, I have a berry medley mix and a small amount of light cool whip to top it off.
Carrots and cucumbers with the yogurt dill dip.

On the left: Shrimp with cocktail sauce. I tried to garnish with a radish rose. Look at the middle of the rose...I cut a small heart! Cute, huh?

Tomorrow is my middle son's birthday, so we will have some celebrating going on tomorrow night. I have no idea what's for dinner (he will get to choose what I fix). We'll see what ends up in the bento tomorrow night!

Have a great Tuesday! Enjoy!

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